Feb 21, 2008 · # route add dest gateway # route add net netmask # route add net # route add host myhostname myrotername The only drawback is static routes are not persistence i.e. routing will be deleted when Solaris box get rebooted. Method # 2: Set static routing using /etc/gateways configuration for

Becouse you have direct connections to network via interface aggr2, so solaris automaticaly add route record for this network. This network not required additinal routing record. In case you can not ping hosts from, check VLAN access list and other netowrk settings. Apr 20, 2009 · It used to be that in order to add persistent static routes in Solaris, you had to whip up your own init script that manually ran ‘route add’. Starting back in Solaris 10 11/06, Sun finally gave us a better way to do it. From the route(1M) man page: In solaris , you can add a route whose traffic should go out a specific interface by adding -ifp [ifname] to the route command line. For instance, suppose a host has two interfaces (eri0 and hme0) on the same IP subnet ( with gateway, and traffic for just a few hosts needs to go out the secondary hme0 interface. We have a Sunfire V240 server with Solaris 10, I need to change the subnetmask and gateway. I was able to change the subnetmask and gateway by editing the files /etc/subnetmasks and /etc/defaultrouter. Server was rebooted but the problem is that when server shutdown or rebooted, network won't come up as I have to run this command: Apr 17, 2011 · The metric can be considered a cost for using the route. If a routing table contains multiple routes to the same destination, the. cheapest route (lowest cost or metric) will be used. To add a route with a. metric of 10 to the host through the gateway, use. the following command: route add add it to the global zone and it'll be accessible to the local zone AngelicaX via solaris-l wrote: Posted by AngelicaX on 01/03/2008 12:35:00 PM As of Solaris 10 10/09, when a zone stops, the default route is not deleted. Default routes on the same datalink and IP subnet are shared across non-global zones. If a non-global zone is on the same datalink and subnet as the global zone, default route(s) configured for one zone will apply for all other zones on that datalink and IP subnet.

Jun 09, 2009 · i just want to add one static route for new ip segment in solaris 9 but it's not working. root@server# route add -netmask add net gateway Network is unreachable But i can able to ping from my server. Can someone help me on this issue.

ip route add blackhole Nullrouting on Solaris. route add -host -blackhole route add -net -blackhole. Nullrouting on Windows. Windows XP/Vista/7 does not support reject or blackhole arguments via route, thus an unused IP address (e.g. must be used as the target Apr 08, 2008 · I am using solaris express developer edition 9/07. I need to execute this command "route add default" each time after a reboot. Jul 13, 2015 · # Unplump an network interface to be sure it is working $ ifconfig net0 plumb # Maybe you need to deletate the IP to clear things before you add # the IP stack $ ipadm delete-ip net0 $ ipadm create-ip net0 # Add the IP address to the interface statically (/engine is a suffix # which can be defined by yourself) $ ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= net0/engine # Assign a default

Oct 18, 2011 · To setup static routing on Solaris 10 systems, just create your own /etc/rc*.d/S*script containing the “route add” invocations desired or create a transient SMF service that adds routes at boot time as shown in the following two options. Option 1: Create a new startup script in /etc/rc2.d directory say S99Networkroutes and then in that file

The above command line method will not work in solaris 8 and 9, also in some older patch versions of solaris 10. To overcome this we have another method. We can create a rc script in /etc/rc2.d, say with name S91routes. Add the route add command in this script : Dec 01, 2006 · route add default Example: route add default If you want the route to be persisted when you reboot the system, you will need to set the route in the /etc/defaultrouter file. /etc/defaultrouter. Example: echo > /etc/defaultrouter. Note that Solaris 10 includes “zones” that can also configure this same Add a persistent route. # route -p add -net network-address-gateway gateway-address –p. Creates a route that persists across system reboots. If you want the route to persist only for the current session, do not use the –p option. –net network-address. Specifies that the route goes to the network with the address that is specified in Solaris – view routing table and add route. You can use netstat to view routing information. To view the route run: netstat -r. Optionally, to prevent reverse dns lookups which may slow down the execution of the command: Oct 18, 2011 · To setup static routing on Solaris 10 systems, just create your own /etc/rc*.d/S*script containing the “route add” invocations desired or create a transient SMF service that adds routes at boot time as shown in the following two options. Option 1: Create a new startup script in /etc/rc2.d directory say S99Networkroutes and then in that file Creating Persistent (Static) Routes. You use the route command to manually manipulate the network routing tables. Because the /etc/defaultrouter file is deprecated in Oracle Solaris 11.3, you can no longer manage routes (default or otherwise) by using this file.