I was wondering if I was able to use two modems one one network. One would be used for everyone else on my network as normal (the primary router) and the other would be used to for messing around with (not exactly sure what i intend to use it for). Any help would be appreciated.

Making two wireless routers work together isn’t hard, especially if you have the right equipment. But, even if you don’t, a little extra time and effort can make any two wireless routers work together perfectly. The easiest network with two wireless routers will include at least one router with “client mode” support. I used channels 11 and 6 for my two routers. Of course, you'll need an ethernet run going from a LAN port on your first router to a LAN port on your second router. In my case, each room has ethernet in the wall goingn to a gigabit switch. I pluged the second router into the wall from its LAN port and it worked. Jan 25, 2012 · For connecting two wireless routers, second router would work only as a wireless access point. You should check in the router's manual for more info about your routers specs. And yes, the second router should extend the signal of your network. Oct 25, 2017 · Below is a diagram of the home network structure we’re going to create. Traffic is encrypted by the VPN router, and flows through the primary router to the modem/internet. All devices connected to the #2 (VPN) router will use the VPN tunnel. All devices connected to the #1 (primary) router will use your normal internet connection. Both "Router #1" and "Router #2" have TWO IP addresses; an Internal IP address and an External IP address. There are TWO LANs (Local Area Networks). There are TWO WANs (Wide Area Networks). If there is a LAN then there is an accompanying WAN. Now that we have identified these things we can go on to learn how they affect us.

Nov 12, 2003 · Setting Up. Figure 1 shows the basic network configuration, which is based on the setup I used for my community center project. It uses three routers - one to share the Internet, and two more to

Why does my network status says "network 2", when I Feb 08, 2014

For connecting two wireless routers, second router would work only as a wireless access point. You should check in the router's manual for more info about your routers specs. And yes, the second router should extend the signal of your network.

You also add port 23 to vlan 100 and port 24 to vlan 200. Now on each interface on the router connected to each port configure one subnet. On router-1 and router-2 192,168,2.1/24. Don't forget to assign PC-1 an ip address in the range of and PC-2' HTH How To Connect Two Routers To Share The Same Network Using